Aurelie Mailliez
MD, PhD student
Pre doc researcher
Aurélie Mailliez is a doctor in the geriatrics department of Lille University Hospital. She holds a Master’s degree in Biology and Health at Doctoral School Biology and Health of Lille University.
She is also PhD student in joint PhD program at VUB under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ivan Bautmans and at Lille University under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Eric Boulanger.
Her research focuses on frailty, with a particular interest in frailty detection through biomarkers within the BUTTERFLY cohort study (BrUssels sTudy on The Early pRedictors of FraiLtY).
Organisatie informatie
Frailty in Ageing research department (FRIA)
Laarbeeklaan 103
1090 Jette