Aziz Debain
MD Debain is a doctor at the Geriatrics Department at the UZ in Brussels and works also as a study physician at the VUB and UZB campus.
He is a member of the LEIF team (levenseindezorg UZ Brussel) and the medico-pharmaceutic committee. Moreover, he is a member of the BVGG and BAMS.
MD Debain is a docent within the master of Gerontology and is also a guest docent at the SOMT Amersfoort and Erasmus Hogeschool Brussel. He supervises master students within master Medicine and the master Gerontology.
MD Debain is also a PhD student within the Butterfly study in which a cohort of 405 older adults aged 80 years or more is studied to determine frailty predictors.
Orthostatic Hypotension and blood pressure variability
Autonomous dysfunction
Laarbeeklaan 103
1090 Jette