Andreas Delaere
Since 2015, Andreas has been working at the FRIA research group of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel - UZ Brussel under the direction of Prof. Dr. Bautmans where he is responsible for the SPRINT project (Senior Project Intensive Training). This project is a project on strength training in over-65s and the effects on the immune system. His master's thesis on body composition in 80+ was published in 2019 and since then he has co-authored 6 other publications. He also collaborated on the Guideline on Sarcopenia commissioned by the Belgian Society for Geriatrics and Gerontology. This guideline was also validated by CEBAM, making it also valid as a guideline for general practitioners. Furthermore, he collaborated with the elderly association OKRA for the draft of an exercise programme for elderly people with joint pain. He is also responsible for the administration of the Large Research Group – Vitality Research.
Andreas holds a bachelor's degree in Physical Education and a master's degree in Physical Therapy (VUB) and hold a professional competence in manual therapy. He keeps himself up-to-date and follow several courses and congresses on a regular basis. He currently works as a physiotherapist in his own practice in Merchtem. Here, he sees a broad public where he uses an activating approach complemented by manual therapy.
Laarbeeklaan 103
1090 Jette